Post Truth in The Pandemic Era


By : Risenly Tapada

Editor : Beckham J. Podung

When truth is an object or target in every discussion in society, it can be utilized as a joke or as the topic of a serious discussion. In this era of pandemic, people sometimes deny to accept the truth, which is reasonable considering that a truth that is not pleasing to the heart is difficult to accept. For example, seeing so many news reports about the increase in the number of active positive Covid-19 cases, deaths from Covid-19, and also fake news about vaccines and Covid-19, which is easier for the people to accept.

Everyone has a natural predisposition to trust easily consumable information, according to psychologists and neuroscientists. The findings of a brain activity analysis utilizing an fMRI scan support this. It is known from these scans that the brain releases the hormone dopamine whenever you comprehend specific facts or assertions. Dopamine is the chemical that makes you feel good, cheerful, and relaxed. Meanwhile, the portion of the brain that controls pain and nausea is more active while receiving complex information. So, without even recognizing it, the human brain prefers straightforward and easy-to-understand information over breaking news.[1]

The most of fake news is quite easy to conclude a problem, so people's curiosity is conveyed through the news without the need to report to verify its authenticity. That's why sometimes what is often called the Post Truth Era or etymologically is beyond the truth (post truth), but according to the author, what is more suitable from that era is a situation where people no longer care about the actual truth in a problem but are more concerned with emotions and beliefs. personally to judge a truth.

That's why sometimes what is often called the Post Truth Era or etymologically is beyond the truth (post truth), but according to the author, what is more suitable from that era is a situation where people no longer care about the actual truth in a problem but are more concerned with emotions and beliefs. personally to judge a truth. So that the actual existence of truth has been deluded by these thoughts.

Therefore, the presence of this paper is the writer's concern to see the widespread widening of a truth that causes the substance of the truth to move from facts to uncontrollable emotions and only beliefs without evidence from some people. We can find these things on social media today.

 “the degree of one's emotions varies inversely with one's knowledge of the facts. the less you know the hotter you get”

(Betrand Russel)



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